
Glossary of Place Names

Nam Lolwe : The Lake of Lolwe (also known more recently as Lake Victoria)

Nam Ataro : Familiar Kuo name for Nam Lolwe signifying “The Great Lake”

Mount Kenya : Name of the snow-capped equitorial mountain derived from the Kamba people’s description of the summit as “kiima kya kenia,” signifying “glimering peaks”

 The Mountain of God’s Repose : colloquial reference to the various names for Mount Kenya used among the cultural groups who settled at the foothills of the equatorial mountain

Chiang Jiang : the longest river in Asia (also known as the Yangtze River)

Wimihsoorita : the longest river in North America (also known more recently as the Missouri River)

Great River : translated name of the companion river to the longest river in North America (also known more recently as the Mississippi River)

Tongala : the longest river in Australia (also known more recently as the Murray River)